Governing Body
The governing body is made up of representatives of the Staff, Parents, the community, the Church, as well as having some members appointed by the Local Authority (LA). They are all volunteers who give up their free time and have various legal responsibilities and duties.
Remit of the Governing Body: to set strategic direction for the school, hold leaders to account for educational performance, and to ensure financial health, probity and value for money.
Chair of Governors | Mrs L Rankin |
Vice Chair of Governors | Revd C Deverell |
Foundation Governors | Miss R Cockwell, Revd C Deverell, Mrs C Smith, Mrs S Sunner |
Parent Governors | Mrs K Sheridan, Mrs B Trueman |
LA Governor Safeguarding Governor |
Miss R Cockwell |
Staff Governor | Mrs T Oliver |
Headteacher | Dr K Cook |
Co-opted Governors | Mrs L Rankin |
Clerk to the Governing Body | Mrs L Fletcher |
Schools Financial Benchmarking Service
Here you will find an overview the school's finances during the academic year. Just click one of the buttons below.
Infant and Nursery School

Junior School
Linda Rankin - Chair of Governors